Eurodollar is around 1.1440, and the top price is getting heavier again. The Euroyen softened from rubbing around 130.70 to around 130.50. The euro is weak against the pound.
Several ECB officials have shown a cautious stance. “There is still a lot of slack in the eurozone economy,” said Central Bank Governor Lane Finland. “Eurozone inflation remains largely temporary, with some factors prolonging.” “Inflation will fall below the ECB target level in 2023,” said Simkas Lithuania, the central bank’s governor. “The conditions for raising the policy rate are not in place.”
Resource prices are also high, and corona is expanding. So far, there aren’t many factors that tend to buy euros. If there is, it is a natural repulsion that flows from selling other currencies, but so far it is leaning toward a stronger USD and there is no factor, and the EUR continues to be a selling point.