The total number of people infected with the new coronavirus in the world has exceeded 50 million. Aggregated data from Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg show. In the United States, the number of newly infected people per day has exceeded 100,000 for four consecutive days, and the cumulative total is approaching 10 million.
Former Vice President Biden, who secured the election in the US presidential election, announced his intention to appoint a 12-member corona countermeasure task force on the 9th.
Biden to Nominate Corona Countermeasures Task Force-First Steps to Realizing Promise
Mr. Biden’s medical advisor had a meeting with executives in the pharmaceutical industry to discuss the Trump administration’s “Operation Warp Speed ββ(OWS)” to support the rapid development of new corona vaccines and therapeutics. Several people familiar with the matter have revealed.
Mr. Biden’s advisor discusses with pharmaceutical company, inherits corona measures-related person
The lockdown (city blockade) that lasted 16 weeks in Melbourne, Australia was lifted from the 9th. The number of newly infected people in the city has been zero for 10 consecutive days.
(Source: Bloomberg)
The Oceania region contrasts with the West.
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