Forex Top Team

Weekly EIA crude oil inventory-1.6 million barrels

US crude oil inventory volatility for the week to September 18 was -1.6 million barrels. The reaction is a rise in crude oil prices. It is assumed that pressure was also applied to the rise in GBP earlier. Currently, Switched to CAD buying, which has a strong correlation with crude oil.

risk-on flow continues

Buy for high crude oil, high stock prices, AUD, NZD, EUR, CAD. Continue to buy EURCHF as it is. Since the ECB Board of Directors will be held on Thursday, it is thought that there will be remarks on the economic recovery from the new Corona, and it is assumed that expected buying will continue. […]

China’s oil demand has almost recovered to the level before the new Corona

China’s oil demand has almost recovered to the level before the new Corona (Source: Bloomberg) This pushed up the crude oil price, and the US stock price was high.With this momentum, it is possible that the rise will not stop until around $ 40. US stocks and crude oil both rose again. Risk on tonight.

US stock index futures rise sharply following Gilead Sciences’ statement on remdesivir

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) trial of the antiviral remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19 met its primary endpoint, Gilead Sciences Inc. said in a statement on Wednesday. The company also published its results from the Phase-3 trial with key takeaways found below. Tonight, risk-on with the expectation of economic recovery […]

Crude oil futures, panic selling in June-WTI crude oil temporarily fell 42%

The oil market meltdown has continued for 21 days. Space for storing sloppy crude oil is running out worldwide, and sales of crude oil futures expanded beyond the contract month due to technical factors. The New York Commercial Exchange (NYMEX) West Texas Intermediate (WTI) May contract set a negative price for the first time in […]

Crude oil price, lowest price in 21 years

On the 20th at the New York Commercial Exchange, the crude oil price renewed the lowest price since 1999. In addition to the decrease in demand due to the spread of new coronavirus infection, the capacity of storage facilities has reached its limit. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) futures, which shows US oil prices, fell 14% […]