EUR / USD: 1.2145-55 (755 million), 1.2175 (289 million), 1.2200 (300 million), 1.2300 (473 million)
EUR / GBP: 0.8610-25 (280 million)
USD / CAD: 1.2150 (416 million)
AUD / USD: 0.7755-65 (481 million)
USD / JPY: 109.80-90 (340 million)
There are no particular options that could be involved in today’s price movements.
USDJPY adjusted during the uptrend. The bottom is assumed to be around 109.50, and the top is assumed to be 111.00 resistance.
EURUSD is rebounding from the decline. 1.2150 is supported on the bottom, and 1.2250-60 is on the top, with big sales coming up, and this is assumed to be resistance.